TV Interviews


The Imax movie The Alps and my book The Eiger Obsession both came out in March, 2007. During the following months I did a lot of television interviews. I don’t have copies of most of those, which is a blessing, as they tend to repeat themselves.

The top one here was my first such interview and is perhaps the best of the lot. It’s a 6-minute conversation with the wonderful Jerry Bowen for CBS Sunday Morning that includes footage from The Alps and our walk on the beach. It was beautifully edited and set a high bar that was never surpassed.

The lower one is a more typical 4-minute TV interview. I’m still a bit green and nervous here, but it’s adequate. Still, if you’ve watched the CBS interview (above), there’s little point in watching this one from Fox.

Also in Videos:

Alps Trailer & Eiger Videos

swissinfo videos

Rescue Videos


TV interviews for “The Alps” and “The Eiger Obsession”


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